
Hibiscus plants are found outdoors in tropical and sub-tropical areas throughout the world. They also do well as indoor plants in warm, temperate climates. There are hundreds of varieties of Hibiscus and all bloom indoors when given the right conditions, though the flowers may be smaller than if it had been grown outdoors. Many of the new varieties of Hibiscus are hybrids grown from tissue cultures in greenhouses.

Hibiscus require very bright light and several hours of direct sun in order to bloom as indoor plants.

During the spring and summer, when a Hibiscus is actively growing, keep the soil moist but never soggy. In the fall and winter, allow the top 2” to dry out before watering.

Hibiscus Plants do well in temperatures between 65°-85°F (18.3°-29.4°C). If the temperature goes below 40°F (4.4°C) for a prolonged period of time, the new growth is ruined.

Hibiscus attract Aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites. Spray frequently with a mild solution of warm soapy water to prevent insect and disease problems.

Aggressively pinch and prune Hibiscus plants especially when they are small. By pruning one branch that’s blooming, you’ll be rewarded with three branches that bloom as the plant matures.