
The philodendron “Xanadu”, sometimes referred to as philodendron “Winterbourn”, is a large compact easy to grow plant. Each shiny green leathery leaf has 15-20 distinct lobes. A Xanadu is often wider than it is tall, reaching a height of 2-4ft. and a width of 3-5ft in ideal conditions.

A philodendron Xanadu needs more light than other philodendron plants to maintain its compact appearance. It grows best in medium indirect light. Too much bright light causes the leaves of a Xanadu to become pale and bleached looking; too little and the stems become elongated as the plant stretches towards the light. Direct sun burns the leaves.

Water a Xanadu thoroughly until the water drains out the drip holes in the bottom of the pot and then allow the top 50% of the soil to dry out before watering again. leaves turn yellow if the soil stays too wet. A Xanadu grows more slowly in the winter and requires less water.

Daytime temperatures 75° to 80°F ( 23.9°-26.7°C); nighttime temperatures 65°- 70° F (18.3°-21.1°C)

Philodendrons like high humidity but still grow well in regular household humidity.

A xanadu can get Aphids and Mealy Bugs. If the air is very dry, spider mites could be a problem.

These plants are very susceptible to bacterial diseases, especially all varieties of Leaf Spot Disease. Root rot from over watering is another problem to watch out for. Cool temperatures, dry leaves, and good air circulation helps prevent diseases.

These plants like to be repotted as soon as their roots start to fill the existing pot. Use a a container that has drip holes in the botton and is about two -three inches larger than the root ball.

A xanadu does not require much pruning. If the plant is getting to large and taking over your room, remove leaves by cutting them off at the base of their stem.